People in Arab

People in Arab

The Islam, is the religion of the Arabic and people are called Muslims.

Countries in the Arab League : Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Palestine, Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Eritrea, Kuwait, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia, and the United Arab Emirates.

People in Arab

People in Arab

Phones - Cell Phones and Mobile Companies
People in Arab
Phones - Find people and phone numbers in mobile companies. Locate online information in internet, whatsapp and social networks.
People Phones in Arab - Find people in mobile companies and social networks. List of online services to find people in facebook, twitter, whatsapp, youtube and location services.
Al-Bushra - Who are the Christians of the Holy Land and the Middle East? and other FAQs
History of the Jews - From the Catholic Encyclopedia
The Jews - Early history.
Muslims - Read the Quran to really know Islam
Al-Islam - The Quran translated to many languages. Includes Hadith, biography of the Prophet (Sirah), manners.
Dates Converter - Gregorian to Hijri, Hijri to Gregorian
Hajj and Umrah Info Portal - Religious information, Travel information.
Islam OnLine - Credibility and distinction
Qaradawi's Papers - Books, lectures, fatwa, research, articles, poem, comments.
The Rightly-Guided Caliphs - Those Caliphs who truly followed in the Prophet's foot steps
Submission - A source on Islam on the WWW in many languages. Includes Mathematical Miracle of the Quran.
Teachings of Islam - A site dedicated to the cause of Islam, Muslims and Mankind by Imam Muhammad Shirazi
Assyrian Info - A comprehensive library of archives containing documents and images of past and present
Nineveh and Assyria - A historical summary of the Assyrian people, from the dawn of civilization to the refugee situation of today
The State of Assyria - News, education, government, health, art, sport, history.
Kurds - Iraq
AKA Kurdistan - Opportunity to build a collective memory with a people who have no national archive
Kurdistan Regional Government - KRG - News, progress, culture, reference.
The Kurds - Early history.
Tuareg and Berber - Algeria -
Tunghat - A page about the Tuareg people (Imazighen of Niger, Mali, Burkina, Algeria and Libya)
Flaura and Fauna
A-Z of Camels - The desert dweller's primary source of transport, shade, milk, meat, wool and hides
Arabian Horse Guide - General information on the Arabian horse, interesting articles and an international marketplace
Arabian Wildlife - Devoted to all aspects of the natural world
BirdLife Middle East - To determine the priorities for bird conservation in the region
Camel - Pictures and Facts
Coral Reefs - Seas of the Middle East, oil pollution and Red Sea tourism lead the list
Ornithological Society of the Middle East - To encourage an interest in and conservation of birds of the Middle East
Arab Sites
Al-Ahwaz - About the Arabs of Iran
Ansab - A search engine on Arabian Peninsula tribes and families
Arabic Montreal - Montreal Middle Eastern and Arabic Local Businesses and History Articles
Desert Voice - Provide interesting information about GCC countries
Peace in The Middle East
Peace Process - for Palestinian issues
BIU Begin-Sadat Centre for Strategic Studies - Dedicated to the study of Middle East peace and security, in particular Israel
MECA - Middle East Children's Alliance - Peace and Justice in the Middle East, focus on Palestine, Israel, Lebanon and Iraq
MEPeace Middle East Peace - A community of peacemakers advancing Middle East peace through interaction, information and inspiration
MidEast Web for Coexistence - Strives to create a better Middle East, to bring the peoples of the region closer
Al-Reem Environmental - Devoted to the environment of the Arabian Gulf region.
MECTAT Environment and Development - The Leading Pan-Arab Environment Magazine
WSTA Water Science and Technology Association - The result of individual efforts of those concerned with water affairs in the GCC
Al-Hewar Centre - To help overcome the negative image of Arabs and Muslims that has pervaded American culture
ADC American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee - Legal Services, education, events, press, chapters, publications
ANERA - American Near East Refugee Aid - To reduce poverty and relieve suffering in the Middle East
Arab American Action Network - Provides services to Chicago's Arab American community
Arab American Institute - Committed to the civic and political empowerment of Americans of Arab descent
Atfal - Supports issues and events related to the Global Movement for Children in the Arab world
AAC Australian Arab Council -
CMCU Centre for Muslim-Christian Understanding - Better understanding between the Muslim world and the West
UN - SECWA Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia - Survey of economic and social development
Initiative EUMEDIS - For the development of Euro-Mediterranean new communication and information technologies
IMArabe Institut du Monde Arabe - To favor the cultural exchanges, the communication and the cooperation between France and the Arabic world
MEDEA - European Institute for Research on Mediterranean and Euro-Arab Co-operation, Information and Special files
Middle East Institute - Founded on the premise that the Middle East would become a key region for the United States
MEPC Middle East Policy Council - Journal, teachers workshops Special reports, related stories, News and references
Near East Foundation - Helps people in the Middle East and Africa build better lives for themselves and their communities
UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) - Unrivalled research tool
UNDP's Sub-regional Resource Facility for Arab States - Works to network knowledge and expertise
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme - Supporting economic growth and improved governance
US Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs - US relations, country information, peace process, regional topics.
Arabs History
Arabs, refers to persons whose primary language is Arabic.
Arab Countries : Arabs includes population in Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, the West Bank, and Yemen;
Arab communities are also found elsewhere in the world.
Arabs, name was applied to the Semitic peoples of the Arabian Peninsula.
Includes Arabic-speaking Christians (in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine and Israel).
Arabic-speaking Jews are not included, people from North Africa, Palestine, Israel, Yemen and Iraq), Kurds, Berbers, Copts, and Druze.
Socially, the Arabs are divided into two groups: the settled Arab [ fellahin =villagers, or hadar =townspeople] and the nomadic Bedouin.
Middle East, is the region that includes SW Asia and part of NE Africa, lying W of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India. Includes Cyprus, the Asian part of Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, the countries of the Arabian peninsula (Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait), and Egypt and Libya. Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the remaining countries of North Africa are included.
Maghreb or Magrib, Arabic term for NW Africa includes Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Mauritania.
Levant includes the countries of the eastern shore of the Mediterranean from Egypt to Turkey, Syria and Lebanon.
Arab People 2024
Arab nations warm to peacekeeping force for Gaza Financial Times
Report: US rejected proposed plan by PA, Arab nations for Palestinian statehood The Times of Israel
Why Palestinians can count on American students but not Arab allies to protest
Why are Arab armed forces so ineffective? The Economist